Healing through His Embrace

Sometimes miracles are big and amazing. I know my Jesus still does them. I have seen them in my own life and others while praying and ministering to others. I have heard a story of a friends 4 year old daughter who fell from a second story sound booth and broke her neck and died... Continue Reading →

The Mountain Dream- Our Kids Journey

After a night of frustration of realizing I cannot always “fix” my kids struggles with crowds and fitting into the “social norm” of our culture, the Lord reminded me of a dream I had a few years ago that so applies. THE MOUNTAIN DREAM. I was climbing this large rocky mountain trying to get myself... Continue Reading →

Keys to Her Wings – Vision

The social anxieties and trauma our children faced this last year, have been overwhelming in my community here in central Pennsylvania. I have heard many stories personally from families with struggling children, teens, and even adults who are so overwhelmed by anxiety especially going back into larger social situations or in some cases just going... Continue Reading →

All is Calm? All is Bright? Christmas pt 2

“So many of us hear this song every year around this time and it normally stirs warm feelings of peace and rest. Yet those feelings may quickly be lost or conflicted when we come back to the reality of this Christmas and the circumstances that surround this world in this time. Hearts are struggling greatly to find peace and calm.” How to find the Prince of Peace in the midst of Chaos.

Shine Bright

In the past few weeks I have struggled with feelings of rejection and even just awkwardness trying to reconnect and try to build new relationships with people. This has been a struggle I have had for years. I know my identity in Christ and that Jesus doesn’t reject me, yet I also still struggle with... Continue Reading →

Babies and Books Dream

Last night I had a dream. I feel it is very relevant to current events and what God is speaking to me personally about my part to play in this season. I remember I was surrounded by people I knew from the Harrisburg area. Many were mothers and fathers of children like myself. Suddenly we... Continue Reading →

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