Message to the Tribe of Warrior Scribes

What I am sharing below is from some time I was spending with the Lord. Sometimes when I step into heavenly places I find He takes me on unexpected journeys. It’s always a surprise with God. During this journey like many before Jesus will show me people who are on this journey with me. Although in my journey I sometimes see specific people I am careful not to always share exactly who as I realized I often times don’t see everyone and I believe God can take my record of this journey and use it to frame it up so that others can step into it and experience it for themselves. Athought this was a more relax moment with God I feel there is an important message here from our Heavenly Father (Papa) for those who God is using to write to make a change. 

Breaking Bread with the Tribe of Warrior Scribes. 

After an amazing time with Jesus being consumed by His Passionate love and then going through these amazing times of healing I feel so Alive and ready for whatever is next. As this Passionate flame continues to burn I see an angel coming I invited him to shared. I was excited to see what Papa had for me. As I looked up at Justice (an Angel assigned to me) As I opened the scroll I saw many that I have connected with who travel in the spirit were orbiting outside of one area waiting. Haha! I looked because I realized what part of my assignment was and laughed with joy as this was the first time for an assignment like this. I saw that more would be revealed and another Mandate would come after the fun part. I was to prepare a feast! 

Preparation were made and we were on Journey. I was no longer in my battle armor but in comfortable but nice looking clothing. Instead of looking like a ship on the inside , Journey looked like the most out of this world “Literally” comfortable banqueting room. She may be a mighty ship but she sure was beautiful

As I came to the center of many converging ships of God’s many mighty people each one connected and everyone joined us on board. We closely gathered together and as we did I placed seats of honor for Jesus, Papa, and Holy Spirit. Everyone was happy and eating well spending a long time enjoying the fellowship, rest, and even communion as well as sharing stories and praying and speaking into each others lives. During this time many people begin to connect that have never met each other before. There is a great exchange of divine strategies as well as stories of warning and people being real about their struggles. Even for me this is a moment to expose mistakes not out of shame but out of love to not see others walk through this. In the midst of this I feel the eyes of Jesus looking at me with such intensity and love. As I speak He comes behind and begins to share how deeply He loves me and how he deeply loves others. Suddenly the exchange changes from us to Jesus. Papa, Jesus, and Holy Spirit spoke about each of us individually. When we were done not only were our spiritual bodies full, but also our hearts were full too. 

As they each spoke it was like a weighty glory filled Journey. Many of us were either weeping or laughing or just unable to contain the shaking we felt from God’s words for they spoke destiny, love, and life over each of us that did a mighty work in our hearts. Then Papa stood up and came to each of us and handed us a scroll. As He did this tears were flowing all over the room. 

Papa spoke gently and said,

 “This is the tribe of warrior scribes. For in you is the destiny that no one else can describe. Your purposes are deeper then you can even decide but as you trust me with your word, my words will flow through what you write. Do not be afraid of the unknown but listen to my voice and look for me the one you know. For I am looking into your eyes and I see you for who you are. I see the authority of heaven, I even see it in your hearts and even in your scars. Do not be ashamed of those moments where you have gone astray, but remember the key is in our intimacy that I will lead you back from going the wrong way. As you see, as you hear, and as you dream with me, the words you write can create a new destiny. So write my children a new love song, write my children a journey for people to come on, write my children a decree for the heavens and the earth to see. For in it is the power to create something new with me. “

As He spoke a great hush fell on the group as we took the scrolls with great honor. Then our quietness turned to worship and our worship turn to shouts of joy and life. We began to sing and dance and jump around to see His joy in our songs. He danced with us and even children danced right along. For some of these children were the kids that had been rescued from great deep pain and in their songs came authority and came songs that would forever remain. As they sang I saw some of the people write and the songs that were written were recorded to be sung on earth that would bring healing to those that were still bound in earthly strife. 

I was overwhelmed by this moment together with my friends and the Lord. For Jesus remained and looked at me with Passion in His eyes as He said, “Do you see how what seems like a lot of work comes together for very wonderful purposes?” 

Feeling such a wonderful peace I realize these few hours have brought deeper connection than ever before. I am excited to see what happens Next. Just got to wait and see. 

8 thoughts on “Message to the Tribe of Warrior Scribes

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  1. Reblogged this on Gitardood’s Weblog and commented:
    I like the fact that Papa so gently saidto not be ashamed of those moments we’ve gone astray but to remember the key is in our intimacy with Him and He will lead us back from being astray


  2. I especially liked Papa”s comments about straying. We are to remember and focus on intimacy with Him and He will ead us back


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